World map of visited countries in R
Like me, if you like traveling as much as R you might want to draw a world map of the countries you have visited in R. Below an example with the countries I have visited as of January 2020:
To draw this map in R, you will need the following packages:
As usual, you need the packages to be installed on your machine before loading them with library()
. You can install a package with the command install.packages("name_of_package")
After having loaded the packages, we are going to use the dataset called iso3166
from the {maps}
package and rename it dat
. Here are the first 6 rows of the dataset:
dat <- iso3166
## a2 a3 ISOname mapname sovereignty
## 1 AW ABW Aruba Aruba Netherlands
## 2 AF AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan
## 3 AO AGO Angola Angola Angola
## 4 AI AIA Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla
## 5 AX ALA Aland Islands Finland:Aland Islands Finland
## 6 AL ALB Albania Albania Albania
We rename the variable a3
by iso-a3
dat <- rename(dat, "iso-a3" = a3)
## a2 iso-a3 ISOname mapname sovereignty
## 1 AW ABW Aruba Aruba Netherlands
## 2 AF AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan
## 3 AO AGO Angola Angola Angola
## 4 AI AIA Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla
## 5 AX ALA Aland Islands Finland:Aland Islands Finland
## 6 AL ALB Albania Albania Albania
We save the visited countries in a vector called countries_visited
. To know the ISO codes of the countries you have visited, check the column ISOname
in the dataset and extract the ISO codes from the column iso-a3
countries_visited <- c("AUS", "AUT", "BEL", "CAN", "CZE", "DNK", "FIN", "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "IDN", "IRL", "ITA", "LVA", "LUX", "MCO", "MMR", "NLD", "NZL", "NOR", "PRT", "ROU", "SGP", "ESP", "SWE", "CHE", "TWN", "THA", "GBR", "USA")
We now create a new variable called visited
which equals to 1 if you have visited the country and 0 otherwise:
dat$visited <- ifelse(dat$`iso-a3` %in% countries_visited, 1, 0)
## a2 iso-a3 ISOname mapname sovereignty visited
## 1 AW ABW Aruba Aruba Netherlands 0
## 2 AF AFG Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan 0
## 3 AO AGO Angola Angola Angola 0
## 4 AI AIA Anguilla Anguilla Anguilla 0
## 5 AX ALA Aland Islands Finland:Aland Islands Finland 0
## 6 AL ALB Albania Albania Albania 0
Finally, we are ready to draw the world map thanks to the hcmap()
command from the {highcharter}
map = "custom/world-highres3", # high resolution world map
data = dat, # name of dataset
joinBy = "iso-a3",
value = "visited",
showInLegend = FALSE, # hide legend
nullColor = "#DADADA",
download_map_data = TRUE
) %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = FALSE) %>%
hc_legend("none") %>%
hc_title(text = "World map") # title
Change the arguments to your needs and you are good to go.
To go even further, you can also add a list including all visited countries thanks to this code:
dat <- subset(dat, dat$visited == 1)
sort(unique(dat$ISOname)) # sort to have the visited countries in alphabetical order
## [1] "Australia"
## [2] "Austria"
## [3] "Belgium"
## [4] "Canada"
## [5] "Clipperton Island"
## [6] "Czech Republic"
## [7] "Denmark"
## [8] "Finland"
## [9] "France"
## [10] "Germany"
## [11] "Greece"
## [12] "Hungary"
## [13] "Indonesia"
## [14] "Ireland"
## [15] "Italy"
## [16] "Latvia"
## [17] "Luxembourg"
## [18] "Monaco"
## [19] "Myanmar"
## [20] "Netherlands"
## [21] "New Zealand"
## [22] "Norway"
## [23] "Portugal"
## [24] "Romania"
## [25] "Singapore"
## [26] "Spain"
## [27] "Sweden"
## [28] "Switzerland"
## [29] "Taiwan"
## [30] "Thailand"
## [31] "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
## [32] "United States"
I never went to Clipperton Island, so I’ll remove it from the list:
dat <- subset(dat, dat$ISOname != "Clipperton Island")
## [1] "Australia"
## [2] "Austria"
## [3] "Belgium"
## [4] "Canada"
## [5] "Czech Republic"
## [6] "Denmark"
## [7] "Finland"
## [8] "France"
## [9] "Germany"
## [10] "Greece"
## [11] "Hungary"
## [12] "Indonesia"
## [13] "Ireland"
## [14] "Italy"
## [15] "Latvia"
## [16] "Luxembourg"
## [17] "Monaco"
## [18] "Myanmar"
## [19] "Netherlands"
## [20] "New Zealand"
## [21] "Norway"
## [22] "Portugal"
## [23] "Romania"
## [24] "Singapore"
## [25] "Spain"
## [26] "Sweden"
## [27] "Switzerland"
## [28] "Taiwan"
## [29] "Thailand"
## [30] "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"
## [31] "United States"
And finally, count the number of countries visited:
"Total: ",
" countries."
## [1] "Total: 31 countries."
In conclusion, here is the entire code to draw a world map with visited countries highlighted, a list of all countries in alphabetical order and the number of countries visited:
dat <- iso3166
dat <- rename(dat, "iso-a3" = a3)
countries_visited <- c("AUS", "AUT", "BEL", "CAN", "CZE", "DNK", "FIN", "FRA", "DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "IDN", "IRL", "ITA", "LVA", "LUX", "MCO", "MMR", "NLD", "NZL", "NOR", "PRT", "ROU", "SGP", "ESP", "SWE", "CHE", "TWN", "THA", "GBR", "USA")
dat$visited <- ifelse(dat$`iso-a3` %in% countries_visited, 1, 0)
map = "custom/world-highres3", # high resolution world map
data = dat, # name of dataset
joinBy = "iso-a3",
value = "visited",
showInLegend = FALSE, # hide legend
nullColor = "#DADADA",
download_map_data = TRUE
) %>%
hc_mapNavigation(enabled = FALSE) %>%
hc_legend("none") %>%
hc_title(text = "World map") # title
dat <- subset(dat, dat$visited == 1 & dat$ISOname != "Clipperton Island")
sort(unique(dat$ISOname)) # sort to have the visited countries in alphabetical order
"Total: ",
" countries."
Thanks for reading. I hope this article helped you to draw a world map with visited countries highlighted in R.
As always, if you have a question or a suggestion related to the topic covered in this article, please add it as a comment so other readers can benefit from the discussion.
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