
Stats and R welcomes guest posts that provides unique insight into statistics and R.

How can you contribute?

If you want to contribute and write a guest post for, please submit your article through this contribution form.

Once your guest post is received, I will review it and inform you about the decision (i.e., accepted, rejected, or accepted with minor changes).

Submission rules and guidelines

Before submitting your article, please read the following points:

  1. I only accept articles that are in line with this blog, i.e., articles about statistics and/or applications in R. See examples of what I write about through my articles or see the different topics.
  2. Even if your article is about one of these topics, it’s not guaranteed that it will be published: quality of the post is the most important determining factor.
  3. To avoid any of us being penalized by Google for duplicate content, I only accept original blog posts that:
    • have not been published anywhere else in the past and
    • will never be published anywhere else in the future
  4. This means that you may not republish your post on any other site, including yours (if you have one).
  5. I personally read and check the content and formatting of your article to guarantee its correctness and so that it fits into this blog. I may edit the article with minor corrections, without changing the content. However, guest posts should be edited for spelling and grammar before they are submitted.
  6. When appropriate, I may add internal links (i.e., links to other articles of this blog) to compliment your piece.
  7. You are permitted to include a couple of links back to your site, within reason. These links should be included naturally within the writing and not come across as salesy. Moreover, included links should be related to the topic of your post and bring an added value to the readers. Therefore, links unrelated to the topic of the post will be removed, and links promoting betting/casino sites, sexual content, drugs, violence, etc. will result in a direct rejection of your post.
  8. It is your responsibility to ensure you have the permission to use all content, images, and videos you include in your articles. I might therefore remove images where the source is not clearly cited to avoid copyright violations. and are two popular websites that offer images that can be used freely for any purpose.
  9. You can edit and remove your article from the blog at any time, without any justification needed. Please note that I can also delete guest posts for any reason.
  10. This blog is written in R and deployed thanks to the {blogdown} package. Therefore, please write your post in R Markdown (.Rmd) or Markdown (.md). Posts written in another format will not be considered.

After publishing

In addition to be published on this blog, all articles that are accepted will be cross-posted on:

and shared via:

Once your post is published, I encourage you to share it on the social networks of your choice. Bear in mind that the more popular the guest post is, the more referral traffic your website will receive.

You are also more than welcome and encouraged to respond to any comments that the guest post receives.


Thanks in advance for your interest!

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or if you are having an issue with the contribution form.